Mui Wo Diary is a visual summary  of my stay in Mui Wo, Hong Kong

between July 2018 and July 2019

This catalogue titled Shadows remain, Forms retain contains one aspect of my artist residency:

the use of shadows on still-lifes done on different surfaces, but mainly on Chinese traditional paper, though sometimes on watercolour paper, other times on plexiglass  

watercolours, pigments with binders, (for tempera and for oils) and acrylic are used

the idea of painting still-lifes with shadows on Chinese paper, came from an inspiration of David Hockney who once noticed Chinese paintings do not have shadows

the second section of the video is a painting done for the creation of a Light by Antonio Pisapia

Titled ‘ Low Tide light’ was conceived by Antonio after he was given by Isabelle the shells she found in the ocean of Mui Wo.

Inspired by Noguchi, Antonio designed this lamp to commemorate our one year- stay at Mui Wo, where the play of low tide and high tide allows him and our guests who come to visit Silvermine Beach to enjoy the discovery of some shells that are unique.

The joy of finding seashells frequently in this area inspires me to see life in its essence: sometimes low and sometimes high.

In the meantime, it brings to my mind my first one person exhibition  , titled Chinese fans and seashells’ , of 37 years ago. ( CALTON STUDIOS, Edinburgh, Scotland).

So the joy of painting still-lifes came back , hence the painting of this Low Tide Light.



Mui Wo

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