New Appreciation is about seeing through the vision of an old path

Of an old habit

Of an old vision

In order to Re-appreciate

Hence New Appreciation is about my mother's viewpoint when she was young

About her creativity , hidden yet revealed even after years

Whose vision is slightly blurred due to his medication

New Appreciation is made possible also because of Antonio

In order to see and to accept a blurred vision, one has to see afresh

From the inner point of view

Such as :

which path we used to take when we were young

Which path did my mother choose to tread on and can we get a glimpse of that seemingly long gone path

And  why such a path

Thank you for such a generous vision 

Of our dear ones

We see more

Through their vision

Not only

We become humbled and therefore 

Once again

Thank you for such a Healing Journey

Renewed and Alive

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