Shek O diary- a visual poem

It was in 1959 when I turned one year old, my parents and their friends finally had the house built in Shek O. We children spent regular weekends there, exploring every corner of this beautiful place.

I left Hong Kong in 1976, and only every now and then did I come back on vacation.
But every time I came back, I always went to see Shek O ...
It is almost a spiritual trip, some sort of a pilgrimage, I guess.

This poem was written after I visited Shek O on 9th of August 2021.


( who composed, translated, recited/sang , filmed the sequence)

last name: LEE or ( LEE-PISAPIA)

first name: Kam Fu Bernadette or Bernadette Kam Fu


Other visual poems can be viewed at:

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