The vision of Alberto Manfredi is dedicated to Alberto Manfredi, who was my printmaking professor from 1987-1989 at the Academy of Florence, Italy.

I was taught by Professor Manfredi the joy of creating linocut prints, and due to such incredible singular experience, I came to appreciate the irony of a never repeated process ( specialty of the Master ) of a repeated process: the print.

Whoever had been taught by Manfredi was fortunate twice- firstly because one was taught by a true Master, secondly because one was able to hear the stories told by the Master about his Master first hand, such as Morandi.

For a foreigner like me who received secrets of an Art Practice from a true Italian Master was a real surprise and therefore difficult not to feel fortunate and blessed.

Collector Giacomo Riva put together this huge collection of works ( from 1953-2000 ) and generously allows this private collection to be viewed publicly at Palazzo da Mosto,

This short sequence is about the visit I had at Reggio Emilia, where Manfredi resided, and where an important one person show of his paintings - the collection of Giacomo Riva- is held.

Reggio Emilia.

The show is on until 14/01/2018

Call to book a guided tour on the weekend

Thank you Professor Manfredi

And thank you, Nicola, Caterina, Beatrice, Orfeo and Fabrizio for your hospitality at Reggio Emilia and for allowing me to film the works of Manfredi at  Studio Mavida ,your house as well as in the show.

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