
May the fifth 2018

羅馬到翡冷翠 5/05/2018




回到羅馬 Castelnuovo 的家後,我決心將浴室的牆裝上從香港買來的牆紙。






那個洗臉盆,上面也貼著一兩只游著的錦鯉圖,以來作放置小花盆盛器的空間。剛從翡冷翠帶回來的迷你小花盆子,不是瓷器造的,故破不了;故便將之來盛 㓗齒用具。


承著洗臉盆那空間地下,由左至右的伸展至粉紅色梵高椅子,變成了有一點兒 Hokusai 版畫味道的喜悅空間。梵高椅子多年前曾放在室外,受著風吹雨打,腳尖處已經沒有了完整的木;那崩著的腳兒,變得與新的魚兒地上圖有點兒冲撃;便決定放上一心型地毯,使整體裝置感到有著梵高夢那種既破又成的希望感。暫時將這小小空間新了一番滋味,以來作未由那大師再裝修時的一種過渡式喜悅:或可當此空間可以給予人那種雖有困境卻可迎刃而解的感受。



或者有點英國牆紙習慣的懷舊,又或者有點非中又西的 chinoiserie 感。




以前那空間只是一個可憐的既舊又不太 㓗淨又像不能翻新的環境。

現在哩,也算不錯吧。但卻有待再花心思翻新一下那地板,使那舊的 Acrylic 筆觸彩不再有點 matte 感;因為那不光鮮感覺像是「抓緊」著不少多日儲藏的 䴤埃,看上去很是有點兒頽喪。



1 )不想再煩著自己的周六或日的空間

2 )不想再次花神等待這很可能不能依約的太忙大師




自從在十多天前重新 mosaic 那四張鐵檯子後,心情輕鬆得多。









寫於 .Italo 火車上

A diary noted upon the train.italo during my journey from Castelnuovo di Porto where I reside to the city of Florence where I often spend some days to dream about certain close to impossible dreams

This article briefly talks about the surprise I encountered during the process of giving fresh life to a (much needed work)  corner of my bathroom, where the old painted acrylic floor ( done years ago by myself in order to make it look less industrial, but more artistic) is no longer hygienic and where the sink and the grout do need to either replaced or redone, if that would be possible.

A roll of good quality wall paper with Chinese painted Carp which I bought in Hong Kong has been sitting in a corner came out to be a possible remedy , if only temporary, for a corner that is worth the transformation, especially after I have put in a 19th century style  bath tub.

The Chinese Carp design on the wall paper looks almost Japanese when placed behind the Van Gogh chair painted by me years ago.

It could remind one of a Hokusai or a Hiroshige’s prints.

But what was most satisfying of this process of a refreshed corner is the fact that one has managed to revive or revoke broken dream- once broken, yet reborn, just like that Van Gogh Chair that has gone through turmoil, but is now happily , quietly sitting upon a heart shaped carpet, with underneath the pattern of the oriental Carp which must have given much delight to those Impressionists or expressionists artists of the Van Gogh period.

Up above the wallpaper of Carp not painted by me ( the only wall  in the whole house without my painted figures) there are some small cats I painted when I bought the house thirteen years ago.

I decided to let those tiny cats watching over the Oriental Carps, thinking that they might make quite a happy statement in the room.

I believe the bathroom being a very sacred place, where one is invited to dream, to feel private, to go beyond the imposed limits ...

A place where one could even dare to compromise with the almost uncompromised past or reality 

A meditative corner , a place where no one is going to invade, 

So I wrote and got delighted about this surprised makeover , unexpectedly since the expert who was supposed to renovate my bathroom failed to continue with the project halfway, due to unforeseen circumstances.

But life in Italy is full of surprises, and therefore, one is very much invited to think opposite, to plan less, to follow the flow, 

And this, perhaps is exactly this , an artistic creative process is born,

An unexpected mosaic table makeover, a kind of painted Monet and Cezanne wall to pay homage to the artists, and now

a Van Gogh corner with Oriental wallpaper

Good that the expert of renovation did not quite make it on time,

otherwise  I would have missed all these exciting creative working process, which I am very thankful about.

Thank you and I wish you all good luck even though sometimes things do not work out as expected— it is the unexpected circumstances that teach one how to get over the problem, and how to work the unworkable, how to mend the seemingly unmendable. 

In other words, to dream the impossible dream as all dreams are finally possible, if one dares to dream the impossible.



Bernadette whose Chinese name is 李錦芙,is a practising artist whose works can also be viewed under:



Facebook: Bernadette Kam-fu Lee ( Pisapia )

Signed paintings as Bernadette Lee

Bernadette Kam Fu Lee

Also known as Lee-Pisapia, Kam Fu Bernadette 

As journalist with pen names: 

Kam Fu Pisapia

Bernadette K.Pisapia


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