It is such a satisfying experience to be able to conceive one’s catalogues in the form of a book, with content, layout all treated as a final statement of work done over a period of time: 30 years , 20 years, 10 years, or even just several months

Physical printed versions are superbly printed by Apple

Then there are other versions of artists’ books only realised electronically

I seem to enjoy the casualness that came through from the electronic versions

But I treat the physically printed versions with respect as if somehow they will become rarities one day.

Thank you Apple for helping me realise my dreams.

The following works were all printed between Year 2016 and 2017 ( not in chronological order)

A hypothesis workbook

Forgotten Works

Once upon a time

Painting Pain Ting

Do not ask why

A painted hypothesis notebook

I painted my house in Italy

A painted hypothesis notebook second version

A painted hypothesis book III

As in a Dream

Fung On Meeting with Peace

Art and Fashion behind the scene

Linocut prints

What is in a curriculum 

My house and I

My house and I second version

My articles

Portraits of Antonio

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