What is in a dress

first canvas dress
first canvas dress
first dress as a paintng
first dress as a paintng

an old painting

turned into a dress

in the bamboo grove

I stood


and wondered


my painting turned dress

and worn by me




An outfit 

a working class outfit

used to be my favorite

when I was sixteen

now years passed

Am I still attached to this kind of outfit

or to the meaning that it could possibly convey

A Laura Ashley material

turned into a mantel

with a flower motif

to celebrate

the period when I was romantic

A simple green dress , without sleeves

a flower motif

on the shoulder

to be eventually

sheltered in a comfotable cloak

An orange mantel

with a hat

and a scarf

for a ceremony of the distance past

A light blue patterned dress

with stitches shown

to link up

past and present atmosphere

Just what is in a dress

the same dress

when you are young

and when you are getting older

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